Aragorn by Steven Crowe

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In Peter Jackson's LOTR: The Return of the King, Aragorn and the Dead Army fight the Corsairs off-screen and the main battle occurs at Minas Tirith against Sauron's Orc Army. Jackson famously hated the idea of the army, calling them "unbelievable."

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Isildur cursed them, trapping them without rest until their oath is fulfilled to his heirs. In LotR, Aragorn finds and summons the Dead Men for the Battle of the Pelennor Field & frees them afterwards.

🖼️ Hugo Carneiro, Vitor Zago & Murilo Miranda

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here's some older works I've done. Aragorn and Arwen, Legalos, Manwë and Ulmo, and Melkor(Morgoth).

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“i would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.”

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Aragorn and Flame
By Murray Lewis

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Process for this piece up on YouTube (enolianslave) give it a watch!

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so far - Boromir is up next! I love oil painting but am pretty new to it, so this series is my learning curve.

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Hilo con las ilustraciones de de los principales personajes de El Señor de los Anillos.

1. Aragorn y el ejército de los muertos

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Visto che c’è Tolkien in tendenza ne approfitto per ripulire l’hashtag dalla monnezza con Aragorn ❤️

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Happy !! Hope all is well with everyone .. ❤️☮️💞

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Adiós viejo amigo.
Legolas se despide de Aragorn y abandona la Tierra Media con Gimli. Así termina la Compañía del Anillo.

🎨 Fruttayo

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