when u find out ur a sapiosexual and also gay

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I did a pet portrait commission for my friend , featuring his chaotic (and cute!!) bunny Lapios!

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I chuckled hard at this! I used to fuck with ugly neggahs... as a Sapiosexual The intelligence got me... BUT NEVER AGAIN WITH AN UGLY NEGGGAHH

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sapiosexual pride makishima

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sapiosexuals be like

9 41

hilda/dorothea is such an underrated ship...
aka hilda discovers her sapiosexuality

218 745

anyway. the mercy of this comic is that the next panel isn't a roast using the word sapiosexual in it

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sapiosexual virgos when they find out you cigarrette Vape weed

1 15

Sapiosexuals want only one thing and it's disgusting

18 118

ummmmmm. hear me out ok. linhardt / hubert and linnie is a vampire who hates the sight of blood and hubie is just a weird goth who wants to get bitten. immovable object meets unstoppable force. also they are both sapiosexuals. they fall in love 100k slowburn. calling this linbie

90 220

Day 6 - business of Taegi work at the same library together and on breaks, they like to rec books to each other over some tea 💜 also yoon is a sapiosexual

Ik I'm rly late but it was a great week, can't wait for next years!!

22 60

Proud to be coming out as sapiosexual!!!!1!1!!! Smarties only 😘😘😘

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Ahh, I really wanted to do this one on Valentine’s Day, but oh well. Fact He’s straight and can also be a flirt, but he’s actually demisexual - or sapiosexual.

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some fanart for 's sadly haven't had the chance to buy the full version yet BUT i absolutely adore taurus and agapios.... anyways here's taurus and my mc olympia !!!

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中川雅子生誕祭in六本木apios お宝シークレット映像上映会→お手製グッズがあたる!ビンゴ大会→その場でリクエストライブ→ケーキ贈呈式、二次会はカラオケで盛り上がり!「ドレスだから無理かも〜」といいつつ『空に太陽がある限り』を完璧に踊るまちゃこさん流石!

4 15

days 21 and 22 and for my 30 days of for challenge and i reallllllly love the design for diamoric!!

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