Inner Beauty—X-ray by Dutch physicist-turned-artist Arie van ‘t Riet —“I hope that my images will help to increase respect for nature, especially for animals, I hope my X-rays will show the complexity and beauty of animals.”

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🔬 Hidden World! —Check out photographer Jannicke Wiik-Nielsen's new images of microscopic life. —"...fascinated by the capacity to magnify the organisms up to 200,000 times, and it soon became a research tool of choice."—

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Congratulations to the 2018 SCIENCE VISUALIZATION challenge winners! Check them out:

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“Step into a new Future World: The refreshed art installation at ArtScience Museum is pure magic.”

Thanks to for the fantastic preview of the new-look at , opening this Saturday.

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The ART of NATURE —"The study of brings together 3 main subjects - Art, Science + the Environment..." —There is only one university course in Australia dedicated to the art of lllustration.

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📢 There's still time to submit your SCIENCE Visualizations to the 2018 Visualization Challenge! Submit your work by 4/15.

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📢 CALL for SCIENCE Visualizations for the 2018 Visualization Challenge! Submit your photographs, gifs, videos, illustrations, posters/graphics and interactives by 4/15.

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du jour: You know is maturing and gaining popularity when it hits . Jill Pelto makes climate data compelling.

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If you happen to be in drop into exhibition that I'm taking part in from 27th July

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Our season continues at with The Tale of Princess Kaguya: &

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The Mysteries of the Sea revealed via Science, Art and Costume Parties. A story and history of collabs

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