This marks the beginning of my rebranding 🌸 to eggiscafe! Eggi's Cafe for me represents a few things: my love for round birds, my love for drawing food, and my love for cafes

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The aftermath of Isabelle’s monthly Food inspection for all the cafes and restaurants in town is complete. ✨

All places passed. Certified with a Major belly ache💦

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je suis la meuf qui dodo en amphi et qui surligne des synthese toute faite pendant que le/la prof parle ( aussi qui boit des cafes car sinon elle dort)

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y si vendo chibis así por $200pe en cafesitos

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LOS CAFES INTERNET : V anecdotas de la patata.
Cuentenme sus experiencias en cafes internets para hacer : v webcomics

Sigueme en instagram : v

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Maya loves dining with her friends at any hipster cafes. They would talk about life and anything they like together. Besides that, Maya also loves shopping, watching movies, and do some recreational activities with her friends.

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**asoma la cabecita** ¡Holi! 👋🏼🌿

Vengo a hacerme un poquito de autobombo 👉🏼👈🏼 Os dejo por aquí algunas de mis redes por si queréis seguirme, leer alguna de mis historias o invitarme a un cafesito:


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"Owls at a Parisian Cafe" v2; they do look elegant, but are they good conversationalists? Do they hoot too loudly and create a scene over ownership of the pain au souris mortes?

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Llevo como 4 años pintándome el cabello, probablemente no me lo verán natural pronto, así que les dejo a mi monita con el pelito cafesito jajaja

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