證據確鑿 鐵證如山。何時清算?

Several police officers beat people who have no resistance.

2843 2410

The are out of control! This is another shopping mall in TaiPo, they attack an elderly, push her on the floor! Inside the shopping mall are all residents. There’s no reason to enter the mall!

672 565

sprayed pepper solution with blue dye towards a in Kowloon.
Some believe the police did it on purpose due to recent support from Hong Kong on the movement.

15 13

Get Mickey banned in China - make Mickey the leader of the Hong Kong Revolution of our Times. Artists and computer graphics talents, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

7 14

The official Chi and Eng responses seemed to be differ in tone.

I suspect Blizzard tried to fool the gamers...

8 86

Those who do not understand "respect" at all will certainly not understand what "freedom of speech" is.

499 583

Every penny you spend is voting for the world you want. The campaign ByeBuyDay encourages spending at stores supporting the fight for freedom while boycotts those who have support the communist part and tyranny in HK. Join the challenge today!

198 268


10 15