Day 82 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Today we have the once mercenaries turned professors from

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Day 81 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Right from the latest addition to the roster, and are here! I included too since he appears in their taunts like Morgana and Slime!

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Day 80 of drawing every character in a style inspired by The Heroes + Slime!! Japan goes crazy for these games, which makes sense since these guys essentially started the RPG genre in video games!!

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Day 79 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Say hello to the queen of ramen, I always get hyped whenever a new Nintendo franchise gets added in!! The big stretchy work well with this style too lol!!

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Day ?? of drawing Most Wanted characters in a style inspired by
It’s the 4th main character & lot of people most wanted Kirby fighter in smash!!

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Day 77 of drawing every character in a style inspired by It’s from So let me get this straight, you think preforming heists in the metaverse to change the will of society by touching people’s hearts is funny?

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Day 76 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Stuck between choosing the birthright of the Hoshido kingdom and the loyalty of the Nohr kingdom, we have the protagonist of Fates!!

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Cuphead/1930s style Pikachu from today's stream. Felt real dodgy so just chilled and put this together.

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Day 75 of drawing every character in a style inspired by The from I actually had a blast playing the first game when it dropped on Wii U!! Such a neat idea for a shooter!!

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Day 74 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Today we have the best anime sword fighter, Made it pretty noodley! Here’s a little fun fact about me, Y was actually the first Pokemon game I finished!

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Day 73 of drawing every character in a style inspired by It’s best secretary, I freaking loved this golden shih tzu when I played Animal Crossing New Leaf for the first time many summers ago!!

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Day 72 of drawing every character in a style inspired by And to round out the characters, we have A descendent of Marth, who pretended to be Marth, and who plays exactly like Marth. Marth.

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Day 71 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Second Day of the trio, today we have Funny how Robin’s reveal for Smash 4 alluded to Chrom having his chance “another day”, and then he did!!

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Day 70 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Despite being on vacation, the series doesn’t stop!! Today we have the tactical magicians from

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Day 69 of drawing every character in a style inspired by It’s He’s mad I didn’t draw him with a weapon lol. To think this guy’s origins was as an alt in Brawl, only for him to bash out of Pandora’s mirror in Uprising!!

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Day 68 of drawing every character in a style inspired by I started playing a year ago when quarantine started, and man, it’s such a beautiful game!! I had such a fun adventure, and I was ecstatic when they got in Smash

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Day 67 of drawing every character in a style inspired by The Master of the Monado, It’s Man, I remember his reveal was so hype in smash 4 cause it confirmed the ESRB leak, 2014 was such a fun era :)

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Day 66 of drawing every character in a style inspired by And for today we have the Umbra witch, It’s always a fun challenge to adapt these more complex character designs into this style!! :D

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Day 65 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Let’s get a good stretch and work out those muscles! Say hi to the I actually played Wii Fit a lot in Middle school, so these guys getting in was awesome!

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Day 64 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Soaring in from the cosmos, we have the mother of the Lumas, we have and I actually used the fairy from Pinocchio as reference for this one!! :D

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