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Jólakötturinn, The Icelandic Yule Cat, was a tale told by farmers to get their workers to finish harvesting wool before Christmas. This Cat is huge and stalks the countryside seeking the idle, or those who did not receive gifts of new clothing on Christmas Eve.

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The most ancient of trees, the symbolises death & but also the rebirth of light at the It is Old Magic, dark dreams, Otherworld journeys & connection to ancestors. It is perseverance leading to transformation. It is renewal.

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Ardat Lili, is a wild-haired, winged, screech owl demon of the night, her name means Maid of Desolation. She harms all humans she meets, enticing them to the lonely places to attack them...

🎨Edvard Munch

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The Hag of Béara is the oldest and most powerful of mythical beings associated with Ireland, the Crone part of the Goddess trinity, alongside younger incarnations of the Maiden and the Mother. She brings winter with her and wields power over life and death.

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A 'hob-thross' lived in Millom Castle. He slept by the fire during the day, and worked all night, doing the chores the humans didn’t want to do. One harsh winter he was offered clothes, a terrible insult to a hob-thross, so he left!

art: Eric Edwards

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In Cumbrian dialect, 'hollin' is holly. During the winter months holly is brought into the home to protect it from malevolent faeries, or allow benevolent ones to shelter therein without friction with the human hosts.

art: John Anster Fitzgerald

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Simon Pegg and Minnie Driver in
Nandor Fordor and the Talking Mongoose!

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Folktale Week Day 4 - Rebel
Bluebeard’s wife is about to discover a dark secret about her husband!

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1/2 Sea-God Poseidon is well-known for his bad temper. In his fits of fury, he’s known to strike the ground w/his trident, causing the earth to tremor & subsequent earthquakes & floods to ensue.
His unpredictability leaves mere mortals at his mercy.

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Mermaids were often seen dancing on the waves before storms...

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In Irish history and folklore the Bean Feasa, ‘wise woman’ was a local woman skilled in the arts of healing and herbalism. Biddy Early of Co. Clare was one such practitioner. Biddy possessed a magic blue glass bottle, which she claimed was a gift from the Fae.

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A Greek myth tells of Leander’s love for Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite. One night he drowned as he swam to meet her. When Hero found him lifeless on the shore she cried “Oh, Leander!”. A beautiful flower sprang up where he lay and is known evermore as Oleander.

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In Ireland if death was near, lots of bread was brought into the house so that evil spirits would be drawn away to eat and let the soul of the dying leave in peace...

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Due to a difficult sofa🙄 today's blog will be combined with tomorrow's.
Meanwhile here are some WIPs that will hopefully be for sale soon. These are a quite a bit larger than others I've done.

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Aka Manto haunts Japanese bathrooms, offering colored paper to those without. The color indicates how they will kill you: red by slashing, blue by draining you of blood. The name means "red jacket."


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In some parts of Anatolia, it's believed that the newly dead walk for seven days. Day wander around the crowd at their own funeral, asking "Who died?" 💀

🎨Wladimir Petroff

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