Hadrosaurs, eh? For Dinovember last year I drew an Edmontosaurus with speculative hooves, as well as my very favourite dino of all time, Parasaurolophus. 💚

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Yeeeees. This was my donation request as part of the stream, drawn by .
Shantungosaurus, one of the largest known hadrosaurs, stomping a cop car.

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I never posted my finished Edmontosaurus portrait: here it is, as mad-looking as ever. Who says hadrosaurs were boring?

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The third addition to the chibi dino series is here! ✨♥️

♥️ Here is Marble the Maiasaura, sibling to Matcha and best friends with Perri!

If you'd like to get any of these hadrosaurs as stickers, they're available on my society6 page in the next post! ♥️

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Nope, hadrosaurs are just hadrosaur faced, they don’t look like ducks

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Did dinosaurs such as Hadrosaurs really have fleshy lips over their beaks? DragonThunders depicts contemporary beaked animals with fleshy lips to put it into perspective.
a. Owl
b. Cassowary
c. Parrot
d. Turtle
e. Toucan

Original post: https://t.co/GuLqqW3e4j

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Results from the naked Denali hadrosaurs and therizinosaurs, Microraptor (a donation reward) and Pikaia. We talked also about the possibility to turn these sketches into a little 10 bucks books, let me know what you think!

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ANOTHER article on hadrosaurs - so-called 'duckbilled - and it's a book review that's overdue by about 4 years, whoops. Better late than never. This is part 1... https://t.co/OegoFvhKEX cc

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first time drawing parasaurolophus... i wanna do more hadrosaurs

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I NEVER draw hadrosaurs. Shame, they’re such pretty animals. The majestic ungulates of the dinosaur world.

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Footprints show hadrosaurs dominated Nemegt ecosystem, not Tarbosaurus- makes more sense than skeleton data! https://t.co/stPsHQpXl2

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Hadrosaurs: Teeth, teeth everywhere but not a tooth to shed! https://t.co/u5n1EaAK9O

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Remembering a founder of American paleontology, Joseph Leidy https://t.co/cKd1CgxdiS

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One more for today. Lambeosaurus. Why, yes, I *am* fond of hadrosaurs. What gave it away?

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