Отличное время, чтоб думать на распущенными волосами Хеймдалля....

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some more cards i did
Okoye just showed up in the Warriors of Wakanda season.
Heimdall was so fun to do, i wanted to do it as much colorful as possible i mean, he lives on a rainbow.

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Started working on a lil doodle of Heimdallr again
something about a long noodly wyrm flying over the Dragonstar makes me feel warm

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Today's beach drawing features Heimdall's esper, Ashley! No one will drown on her watch!

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Vikings Tarot
The authors Manfredi Toraldo and Sergio Tisselli
IX - The Hermit - Heimdall
X - The Wheel- Noms
XVII - The Stars - Yggdrasill the Ash Tree
XIX - The Sun - Sol

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Tori's Ancient/Azem is named Phaethon mostly due to his pre-Ancient history as Heimdallr (long story uhh)
Sort of the myth in reverse, Phaethon went from flying through the stars to traveling as the Sun.


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Today in History, first appeared in Journey into Mystery (August 2, 1962)

Read Free with Kindle Trial - https://t.co/aINEZBuKWP

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Sixth of my personal project redesigning characters from 'Thor: Ragnarok' into an animated movie.

'Heimdall' Gatekeeper of Asgard, Guardian of the Bifrost

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This and also have her take up Heimdalls role until Axl becomes older.

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Kara as Heimdall and Lena as Lady Sif- the finished artworks! I had a lot of fun with these!

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Hello, I bring heimdall kara (with an accompanying lena soon too)

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Heimdall is very excited for Christmas in July. He giving a lecture of how Life Day and the Force is connected and how he's the only on capable of seeing it. Everyone is asleep.

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I do love a good Oni...

Belongs to h0llowdream on Instagram

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So first my negatives:

-movie is too short. Easily could’ve been another 20-25 minutes long
-they should’ve dialed back the humor by like 10%
-that one shot of Heimdall’s son
-the goats got annoying
-Korg is losing his charm
-Gorr needed more screen time
-Valkyrie got shafted

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