
11 58

SC2 MSX1 6 colors...A second draw

5 21


2 10

원더키드 / Adventure Kid game of the week
Well,ok it is a clone from a well
know game but it is good, fun and it is from

12 49

アンジェラス / Angelus game of the week
What a strange disease appeared? Interesting game adventure by Enix but you have to know the Japanese language to really enjoy the game

0 19

デッドオブザブレイン / Dead of the brain of the week
Day of the living dead...scary in beautiful graphics
Note that this game has a patch to translate it in English and Spanish

4 18

マライカ / Malaika Prehistoric Quest of the week
Who said that Mario did not have a grandmother? A little sister? A cousin? And she is good 😊👍

2 18

ゼビウスファードラウト伝説 / Xevious: Fardraut Saga of the week

This doesn't need any presentation anymore, I liked the MSX-Audio bonus

8 37

Who Dares Wins II of the week
Kill, Kill, Kill...Simple game,not great graphics (Thanks to for their MSX2 version) but really entertaining 😊

7 32

ヒーロー...独自の画面レベルを設計する 😊 👍#MSXWorld

6 25

パイナップリン / Pine Applin of the week

A very simple game,simple graphics and sounds

5 18

戦場の狼 / Wolf of the Battlefield of the week
Full attack without any questions 😁

6 23

ナイトロアー (リメーク) / Knight Lore (Remake) of the week
Excellent adaptation ported to the MSX2 , great work.

34 79

プロジェクトA2史上最大の標的ト / Project A2 of the week
Jackie full action,the animation in fights is good even if limited.

6 10

クロスブレイム / Cross Blaim of the week
Pretty cool MSX adventure/shooting game,very good style.

10 26