More on 4 in worldview:-
In the story of the discovery of (octli in by (pictured), in the feast that follows, the elders all drink 4 cups, except the leader of the who drinks 5. Learn his fate here...!

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El sombreado probablemente está raro, pero ya iré mejorando.
Este amiguito está basado en los centzon tochtli o los 400 conejos. Son dioses menores de la ebriedad hijos de la diosa Mayahuel a quien se relaciona con el maguey.

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The last Saturday in September is & the feast of (400 deities of sacred drunkenness suckled at the 400 breasts of goddess of Thus said: "He's as drunk as 400 rabbits!"

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Images of Mayahuel breastfeeding the ancestor Mimich in the form of a fish, Quetzalmimich, which is plumed to represent preciousness and divinity, can be found in various codices.

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Xōchipilli is the Aztec god of The Flower Prince, patron of writing, painting, dance, and games, was married to Mayahuel, a human woman.

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古代アステカ文明にはテキーラやメスカルの原材料であるAgaveの神様 "Mayahuell"(マヤウェル)が存在する。


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In one Mexica origin story for the drink, pulque, the great god, Quetzalcoatl fell in love with the goddess Mayahuel. Her family disapproved and in their pursuit of the couple, Mayahuel was killed

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Mayahuel era la diosa del Maguey en la cosmogonía nahuatl😮😮
Representada como mujer joven de múltiples senos de los cuales brotaba aguamiel.

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