Who said the didn't have fun? Book 2 of the Florentine Codex has a lovely description of annual pillow fights: boys threw stuffed bags at girls, who chased the boys with cactus spines...! Latest in our GIF OFFERINGS section -

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Sample from Book 2 of the Florentine ('The Ceremonies') in our new GIF OFFERINGS section. In general the kept their world v clean - getting dirty (by association close to the sacred) was limited to ritual occasions...

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The had no word for 'human sacrifice'. The (in Book 2 of the Florentine Codex) spoke instead of 'nextlaoaliztli' or 'debt-payment': human blood offered to deities for rain, flesh for crops, hearts for light, heat and energy from the Sun...
(Pic: Codex Laud)

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More on 4 in worldview:-
In the story of the discovery of (octli in by (pictured), in the feast that follows, the elders all drink 4 cups, except the leader of the who drinks 5. Learn his fate here...! https://t.co/jVDjU4Lj2u

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