Finished shots of my brain embroidery in natural light 🧠

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Das Wochenende ist in Aussicht. Dieses Mal mit dem neuen

The weekend is approaching. This time with the new comic!

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Heutiger Reminder: geht am Sonntag weiter! 🙃

Today’s reminder: psychoSoph continues on Sunday! 🙃

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Einen schönen Montag, alle zusammen! Diese Woche geht das neue online!

A nice Monday, everyone! This week the new psychoSoph chapter comes online!

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Brain information travels up to 268 miles per hour. When a neuron is stimulated, it generates an electrical impulse that travels from cell to cell. A disruption in this regular processing can cause an epileptic seizure

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We have many drugs and they work in different locations in the brain. Let's learn all the medications in an easy and interactive way in my video:

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Morgen ist es so weit! Die Website geht mit einem kurzen Intro online!

Tomorrow is the day the psychoSoph comic website goes online with a short intro!

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Das Datum rückt näher. Ich kann’s kaum abwarten, euch dieses Projekt zu zeigen!

Getting closer to the date! Cannot wait to show this project to you!

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Einen guten Start in die Woche alle zusammen! Diese Woche ist DIE Woche!

A good start to the week everyone! This week is THE week!

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Der Intro Launch Countdown startet! Markiert euch den 21. Nov im Kalender!

The psychoSoph intro launch countdown starts! Mark 21st Nov in your calendar!

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Illustrations demonstrating Kawase’s approach. The boarders of Kawase’s “triangle”: posterior edge of the gasserian ganglion, the greater superficial petrosal nerve, petrous ridge and superior petrosal sinus, arcuate eminence. With help from Dr.

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Well, I missed again, but I'll share anyway. As you can see, all my recent medical illustrations have been focused on these horrible berries, cavernomas/cavernous malformations🍇✍️

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Work in progress. Is anyone familiar with this triangle? (Depicts middle cerebellar peduncular cavernoma and safe entry zone. For an article written by Dr. Michael Lawton)

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Detecting M2 MCA on 🧠CTA is challenging (esp. for a new vascular supply ⬇️:

Sup division ➡️ Anterior to sylvian fissure

Inf division ➡️ Posterior to sylvian fissure

Its a CTA⏳saver when +EIC

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