La esperanza de México

Mister senador Marco Rubio de Miami ha detonado una defensa a ultranza de colaboradores de AMLO protegiéndolo de esos señalamientos insulsos de que apoya el narco a Morena… cerrando filas, le llaman…

1379 3233

Sadly, I think a large portion of the Furry fandom is turning into a bunch of Covidiots. If you "don't care" so much about Covid, then you're a Covidiot, in my books - GFY. I don't even know you.

0 4

El de los poetas 'Narcissus poeticus', en alusión al mito de Narciso, que enamorado de su propia imagen se arrojó al agua y en ese lugar creció esta hermosa "de centro azafranado y pétalos blancos" (Ovidio. Las metamorfosis. Libro III)

39 149

“Il vino prepara i cuori
e li rende più pronti
alla passione”
—Publio Ovidio Nasone


27 53

This covidiot has been recently diagnosed with covid and no guesses as to what he’s taking to treat it.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

172 779

Dying to own the libs…

I’ll just never understand. 🦠🤷🏽‍♂️🦠

10 37

4K preachers haven't come together to do anything about the but united to pray about a law criminalizing their bullshit in a foreign land.
Let that one sink in.

0 1

Please, no sixth wave. I saw a bunch of protesters on the news, this girl honestly said "there's a microchip in it, follow the science!"

2 11

"El regalo tiene la categoría de quien lo hace". (Ovidio)


9 48

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2️⃣ Red heart & RT Universal recycling symbol
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4️⃣ write in the comment with your matic address for a free nft gift from my collection

3 3

Non ti rincresca dirle bello il volto, belli i capelli,

affusolato il dito, piccolo il piede: anche la donna casta

sente diletto a esser detta bella…



91 104

Se credi alla verità, venendo mi sembra di essere
nuotatore, tornando mi sembra di essere un naufrago.

verso di te la via mi sembra in discesa
quando parto da te è un monte di acqua insensibile»

Ovidio, Lettera di Leandro ad Ero

🎨 J.Taillasson,1798

57 95

„Corona spaltet Familien:
Ein Riss geht durchs Land“

4 46

Gee… my drawing has new meaning now thanks to the actions of the one-term-twice-impeached COVIDIOT 🤬

40 155