out while Watching was supposed to he a hight chart thing for my but ended up just coloring this :D I'm very happy with her face. Trying to use the marker instead of the pen for smoother lines o.o

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Trying out some lineless stuff for a more painted thing o.o I think i did ok? D:

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It's my guild's 3 years birthday :D like every year it snuck up on me :D So Thought I'd make a lill thing for us :D I love my guild Quite allot.

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Slow And steady I'm getting around to finish off my Alert images :3

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A spacegoat, for my alliance-scum friend that I lost a duel to. Had to draw one of his characters.
Shoulda been a tauren...

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One Part done, I'm a bit unsure of the BG so im just having a break from it

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a work in progress for a guild member.

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i took a small break from whatever i was supposed to do only to draw this cutie spacegoat

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