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Not all #bottleovens were in #stokeontrent! Join us for a talk by Dr Iain Hambling of Cornish Ware makers T. G. Green & Co pottery to learn more about the 9 surviving bottle ovens of South Derbyshire. Saturday 11th May 11.30am, free. Please call 01782 237777 to book a place.
Two fab original mixed media original paintings dropped off today by #GrantPalmer. "Heart and Soul" & "From the Heart" - for lovers of #Dachshund with a twist of industrial #StokeonTrent! Quick before they go! Prints at https://t.co/DT5QAsF8N1 @DREAMRescue @4EverDoxiRescue @DCMS
Two unusually themed @ArtKirkham #Sidkirkham paintings. Normally associated with industrial landscapes of #Stokeontrent #Staffordshire "Tropical Sunset" & "A Windy Day at the Beach" display another side to Sid's character! Available @TheartbayG. Exhibition soon @BBCRadioStoke
#Harrydavies originals and limited edition prints available form @TheartbayG #Fenton #Stokeontrent including #Document379 donated to @Pamatnik_Lidice #Lidice 2012 #SOTCulture @potteriestiles @bottleovens @PotteriesMuseum @CerameUnie @CzechCentreLnd @BBCRadioStoke @RadioPrague
Calling All Potters, Waddo's Wall, A Potteries Legend, Sneaking In: Classic @stokecity themed paintings by the irreplaceable #Sidkirkham @TheartbayG #Fenton #Stokeontrent @DUCKmagstoke @oatcakescfc @StokeLoudProud @russianstokies @scfc_ladies @BBCRadioStoke @SoTCityCouncil @dcms
"Time to Come In!" - a mother calls her son as darkness descends #Sidkirkham reflecting on British industrial social history. Original paintings & ltd edition prints available @TheartbayG @corporateart1 #Fenton #Stokeontrent #SOTCulture @DUCKmagstoke @OfficialPVFC @BBCRadioStoke
Remembering #Sidkirkham on #Stokeontrent #Staffordshire #OatcakeDay. Sunday Morning Oatcakes, Oatcakes & Cheese Before the Match @stokecity #StokeCity Hole in The Wall @BBCRadioStoke @SoTCityCouncil @Sotlive
What shall we do with the #Magnificent46 ? @MinxyOwl @flowerboxorguk #BottleKilns #Potteries #stokeontrent
Feeling the love @TheartbayG as we look towards the romance of #ValentinesDay2018. Hosting "From the Heart" an exhibition of superb, framed, expressionist paintings of Hearts by @debsageart, a fabulous contemporary artist from #stokeontrent. Starts Sat 3rd Feb. Prints available.
"Up the Potters!" and "Everything Will Be Alright" Superlative @stokecity themed paintings from artist Grant Palmer. Originals available at time of posting. Prints available soon. 26 Christchurch Street, #Fenton, #stokeontrent. ST4 3AD. @DUCKmagstoke @oatcakescfc @StokeLoudProud
Looking back to the camaraderie of 1950s pottery industry - What Are We Doin' Tonight Then Girls? #Sidkirkham painting from @TheartbayG #Fenton We're celebrating #StokeonTrent #culture #heritage @sot2021 @Pottrays #sot2021 @SentinelStaffs @BBCRadioStoke with the #PotteriesLowry
3 icons. 1 city. #sot2021 #StokeonTrent #stokecity #CityofCulture2021
Are Yer Comin Ite Ter Play? #SidKirkham watercolour #socialhistory #stokeontrent #ceramics Available as ltd ed @TheartbayG #sot2021 @sot2021
#Clivepickthorne Elizabeth #canal #Potteries #ceramics #stokeontrent industrial scene #original watercolour @TheartbayG #Fenton @sot2021
Another stunning framed #original #Watercolour by #Harrydavies. #stokeontrent's #Turner Peak Flow @sot2021 #sot2021 #mining #heritage @DCMS
Two Hearts in Harmony #sidkirkham's #ValentinesDay exhib starts 4th Feb. Orig & prints @TheartbayG #fenton #stokeontrent's community gallery
High class products all #handmade #handpainted @Burslempottery #Burslem #stokeontrent @sot2021 #365daysofculture choose any #football team
2017 cannot hold me back..... @robbiewilliams @Slash BIG projects 😎🎸🎤🖌🎨 #stokeontrent #art
#Sidkirkham is at @TheartbayG on Saturday to chat about his #art #stokeontrent #culture #sot2021 #stoke 10am - 2pm https://t.co/D0EYNzcdFd
The Spirit of The Vic' by #sidkirkham #StokeCity themed original submitted to @TheartbayG #fenton #stokeontrent #culture sporting #heritage