Last year Abi created a huge abstract painting, approx 6x4ft, inspired by bloodlines and dynasties for her Alevel final piece.

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Happy Are Those Who Take alofe Day By Day, Complain Very Little, And Are Thankful For The Little Things In Life.

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Happy Tuesday Tweethearts 😘 May this day be kind to you and carry you along this day with happiness and love 💕🌹👋

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In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous ✨
~ Aristotle

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Allowing to revel in their and is of the utmost importance to their development.


Art by Michael Cheval
Down to Earth

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"No man has received from nature the right to command his fellow human beings."

Denis Diderot


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A life lived in love will never be dull
~ Leo Buscaglia

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