Wololo! Bienvenidos a mi mundo! Mi nombre es Blitz y soy ilustrador/diseñador gráfico. Me encanta dibujar heroic aventurer y estoy comenzando en el maravilloso mundo de Twitch, puedes seguirme en:
Instagram: https://t.co/KA9qX7bDUl
Twitch: https://t.co/23ZZFDlNoo

4 10

vibes continues...

Red vs. Blue

More characters to come as I enjoy this quite a lot!

1 10

I, too, am an artist. Looks like others had the same idea, LOL.

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Finally done wololo
Gonna post the meme thing in a sec

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Age of Empires IV and Definite versions HYPE!!!

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I have 401 followers
I know this isn't a big deal to some of you but I'm really proud!!

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Wololo! Finally finished this after months of setting it aside.

0 10

The one and only Dabo Gong, the ideal God to bring back to Age of Mythology!


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