I'm fearless today,
I am witness to
crippling fears from my yesterday.
and I have promised myself
a tomorrow with no fear.

8 36

Too many times
I found myself
On the wrong side
Of heartache
Trying to be kept secret
I am worthy of true love
My name screamed
From rooftops "I love YOU"

22 38

Dear darling
I found out I can't
say no
you had me at hello
since then
our bond hasn't broken
my mind whispers
I should protect my heart

14 27

She is like Halley
comes to your life
in a flash
burns herself to be bright
but turns to ashes
hazards of being passionate

12 22

Here is my fistful of tears
A gathered them
In bouquet of poems
Lines that shiver me
Then burns me alive
Grinding cold of loneliness
Deep drift of sand dunes
This is me most naked...

18 38

I've had hankering
For scapegrace with improbity
I knew I was in danger
But coming storm
Couldn't hide my need
Wolf Moon was rising
In my dark night of heart

12 20

The renewed Travellers
Of dystopian survival
Swinging at
perpetual voyage
Of temporary body
Hollow illusions of
Felonious heart
Longing for
Remission of breaths

52 108

Once a queen of swords
With scarlet want
Sculpting poems out of thin air
Now solitary ace
With broken dreams
What is the point of false hopes
Rebuilding heart from Ashes
Again and again

25 45

I call them my orphan poems
they are written in sand
washed away by time
tears laughter angst
love jealousy hate
some hard earned wisdom
plundered from my soul...

29 66

We pray, mutter
forbidden incantations

Cthulu appears down
from the ether,

Smashing onto
this island
his hunger
is transparent

He cares not
that it was us
who opened
the door

Towering above us
he brings an
end to our

15 58

And making peace
With my past
Lift me up so much
I can at last see it was
All for the best...

24 47