Belit & Valeria: Swords Vs Sorcery is on sale today!

Buckle up, this issue is a wild one….

Cover A art by
Script by
Art by
Colors by
Letters by

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Fanart mejorado ¡FIBelitasss!

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// sonic idw 50 issue spoilers

nah, he just beat his ass to belittle him,, he died to the rubble

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Marcel is kind but in that apartment that’s not enough. He’s belittled and insulted (for fun) the others care about him but most admit he has a punchable face and personality.

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Sharing the process behind Fabrizio De Tommaso’s awesome painted cover to Belit & Valeria today...showing the fearsome pair doing a little giant slayin’.

Available as Cover B.

Issue 3 is on FOC today…in shops July 13th!

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27. My Dress Up Darling (Anime) - 11/10

I enjoy a lot of anime, and admittedly, I am pretty easy to please.

But this series, THIS series. It just speaks so much to me and is very comfortable.

I think it's best quality is that it accepts its viewers instead of belittles them.

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cabelitio da nami 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

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What this means, in terms of understanding The Northman, but also the authentic Norse sources, is that raiding, pillaging, feuding, belittling and even slaving were, within that culture, fine. What mattered was bravery, determination, and to face death with insolence and humour.

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Local artist strangling his personified inner belittling thoughts

More at 11

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Ryouma, I understand your point and I won't say you're wrong about shogunate, but be more considerate of Chizuru's feeling! It hasn't been that long Inoue was killed, she doesn't need more headaches with your remark that sounds belittling Shinsengumi even if you didn't mean to.

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Dearest… I haven’t shilled this one in a while.

It is called hushed.

It represents all the times I have been talked over and belittled. I learned that the best thing was to be silent and let the breeze take my voice far away.

On opensea… 0.16 $eth

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Cabelito cresceu, é isso mesmo?! 🦋💛

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Belit survives events in "Queen of the Black Coast" & meets...Valeria?

An rousing & rowdy romp with artwork worthy of Howard's Hyborian Heroes. Conan fans: check it out!

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Besides, this confrontation isn't the worst thing to have come out of the Pokémon series. Before whenever Ash argued with the other girls it was over something insignificant, and they used to belittle him on his immaturity. At least this argument had a legit amount of importance.

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Oh this is speaking my language lets see-
How abt Aine or Rheyvn Lamar who were both belittled in their respective campaigns by their companions or maybe Morgan the wild magic sorc who was a high level wizard but lost her memories?? Or Eirwen b/c she's hot

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love revolution : konfliknya berbelit kayak kabel kusut, tp setiap perasaan karakternya keliatan realistis bangett. berkali-kali nangis krn adegan berantem main couple, lalu mleyot setiap adegan uwu. character development-nya? *chef's kiss* POKOKNYA AAAAA

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