Every time to see the TV spot for the Bob's Burgers movie since last night on Toonami continues to crank the hype meter up to a hundo.

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The Bob's Burgers Movie is set for May of this year - only 5 months away! I've seen a couple dates for it, but the "official" one on Wikipedia is that it's slated for a Memorial Day weekend release date (Friday, May 27, 2022) for the USA.

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(#Cinéma / Le film d’animation sortira aux États-Unis le 27 mai 2022 !

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Well... Here we go! Today marks the first day I begin my new job with working on the movie! If you've been following me for a while, you probably know I'm a big fan of the series, so I'm over the moon right now.

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A Bob’s Burgers movie?!?! My cat was so right about you!

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