A reference I made of Lumines design. I wanted to understand her outfit better for when I make this as a cosplay

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I'd say for my first attempt at Cybernetics, I did alright :D Definitely still need to practice tho lol.

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🍄retweets appreciated!🍄

Still practicing poses
Ballerina style this time 😌🌟
Honestly how to draw hands 💀

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Death's shadow / Sophie Collins.

NSFW artist and part time super with the ability to create portals and control witch/mage blood mixed with ink.

Lewds villains.

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Who is pulse?

TLDR: Katie is a tech villain, Enigma is a big bad everyone hates, pulse is a edgy hero who now dead and Katie is controlling, playing both sides.

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Torno a pujar el dibu de la Nami i la Carrot per què el pogueu veure amb més detall 😊😊😊😊

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