has done it again later this month there will be a series about the and how reacted a cautionary tale history speaks to teach us lessons for the future . hoping many watch and think what does actually mean ? https://t.co/sVQ0oR1LjQ

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Ehh... I get what Erik is trying to tell Charles here about Gabrielle Haller needing to find happiness by relating her traumatic experiences as a Holocaust survivor to his own, but pairing the two together still feels a bit sketchy due to Xavier previously having been her doctor.

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2 - LEYENDAS editado por

Ha estallado el mayor holocausto interdimensional que jamás se haya conocido, y una nueva generación de superhéroes surge de sus cenizas: ¡Wonder Woman, el Escuadrón Suicida, Flash y la recién formada Liga de la Justicia!.

6 52

People argue being a holocaust victim makes him too old, but there's nothing tying Xavier to being the same age. With Ressurection Protocols, Erik could have been 70 fighting a 30 year old Xavier and come back 30 years later, resurrected as a 50 year old after Krakoa is formed https://t.co/5g300qv8YY

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Coso que hice de portada para una historia del holocausto 🙏

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// holocaust , concentration camps

i was in gross-rosen today and took some pictures that i want to share now. it was an amazing experience to see it all in person, not a single history book feels the same as listening to the full history of it while standing there.

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Bueno gente me voy a ver holocausto canibal haber que tal esta,ya les cuento mis traumas.

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Guys I have a Harvard law degree (but I’m not a lawyer) my grandma was in the holocaust (these apes aren’t racist) my bored ape is less then 1% of my portfolio ( I always put ethics over money no matter what). -Sincerely J Karen F 💀

8 58

I am appalled at the ease with which people who have 0 knowledge about the 3rd Reich make these disgusting comparisons.
this is quite literally spitting in the face of holocaust victims, tasteless and insulting to everyone who had to live under the regimen

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Making his getaway! How long till Maus is the way people find out about the Holocaust. Oh and then there is the book banning in certain states. Think that happened over here too in some schools.

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Jerome Witkin is an American painter. He’s not afraid to tackle difficult subjects: the Holocaust, homelessness, violence, and domestic issues, but also lighter subjects. He’s a master painter and a really nice guy to boot.

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Vision and Scarlet Witch released early 1983, revealed that Magneto is the true father of both Wanda and Pietro, and that their mother is Magda - a Romani woman he met in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.

44 605

Good morning
Thanks a lot for this amazing opportunity sir

Three of my meaningful pieces are awaiting a new home.
1. Adiyogi Lord Shiva

2. Doomsday

3. Holocaust

I would also like to recommend to showcase his works

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I take it you have never read the Ken Penders Nazi Echidna comic which paraphrased a holocaust poem

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what an absolute fucking pussy.
you dont get to decide what's funny. if Ana Frank can write holocaust jokes in her diary you can read abortion jokes without getting triggered.

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Auschwitz - never forget the Holocaust.
Perhaps we Americans will one day fully come to terms with our two Holocausts... https://t.co/OcGL7A9G19

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One thing I really loved from the X-MEN: FATAL ATTRACTIONS crossover was the portrayal of Gabriel Haller (the mother of Xavier’s son Legion) holds a fair amount of respect for Magneto despite his mutant terrorist activities due to her similar background as an Holocaust survivor.

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2022: Letter to a Pig. 9/10

Estremecedor corto sobre el Holocausto escrito y dirigido por Tal Kantor, producido por The Hive y , distribuido por . Seleccionado en el .

Crítica y trailer: https://t.co/DnmrnZpMT5

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