I was trying to draw a funky homosapien named Del but it came out messed up lmao here's the unfinished piece I probably won't continue.

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“Connected through time, we're here to master matter” - 🔗 on “World Renown” 🌎 art by

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I also wanna be liked as a a homosapien 😩

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Hi, my name on insta and YouTube is Homosapien of the jelly gender, and I enjoy drawing and like to make fun content

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— transformation of Homosapien DNA into that of 𝗖𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗪𝗼𝗿𝘅!

〝 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝘂𝘁𝘁-𝗞𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴! 〞

Physical makeup substantially aiding in the possible landing, had metallic fists ( not ) connected with the alien menace as 10K intended.

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Outfits that I made! Super cute I think. I also have a whole YouTube video speed paint about them. Check me out at Homosapien of the Jelly gender

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Del the Funky Homosapien.
Song: Sunny Headowz

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I’m noticing this really beautiful pattern of cinnamon rolls named Simon who are completely whipped for their gorgeous bfs *Bonus Simon and Bram (Book version)

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Premature hairloss has been a concern for masculine homosapiens but this is nothing to the angst felt by those narcissistic devilish entities who find themselves suffering from male-pattern horn-loss.
Fortunately this became less of an issue after the invention of the Hell Toupee

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Here we have Rapper and one of the Gorillaz' good Friend, Mr. Del the Funky Homosapien, who plays as Del the Ghost Rapper who sang in the Gorillaz singles 'Clint Eastwood' & 'Rock the House', he's also the Voice for Deltron in the 'Craig of the Creek' episode "the Kid from 3030"

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Vom Menschenaffen zum Homosapien

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スキャン : 近ホモ・サピエンス型圏外圏
生命体 =
Scanning Near Homo Sapiens Type Living Organism of Outer Sphere
Designed, Edited & colored by
HARDMODE▼ ©︎2018

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"Hey, nice jacket!!"
Anyway, jackets with fuzzy collars are now gay culture
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もう会期終わってしまった展示だけれど、素敵な絵だなぁと思ってつい持ち帰ったDM。谷口広樹さんの個展『homosapiensaru in PARADISE』。

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Russel and his stand, 『DEL THE FUNKY HOMOSAPIEN』

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The Rapper-a-Day Project | Day 24: Del the Funky Homosapien

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谷口広樹展「homosapiensaru in PARADISE」がいよいよ明日から始まります!谷口さんの楽園の風景が、壁という壁に、大小合わせて81点!見応えたっぷりです。先日までギャラリーで行っていた長田哲さんの作品もカフェスペースで再び展示中です!

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