El impacto del coronavirus en la economía global

Ilustración tomada del instagram del comunicador gráfico


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Thank you to all the doctors , nurses and healthcare workers who are working tirelessly. You guys are the true heroes. From the bottom of my heart , you have my respect ✊✨#covi̇d19

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洗到隻手好乾 就黎爛啦😰

隻手潤啲 心情都好啲
呢段時間 要好好錫住自己呀😘

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Un verre d'Ouzo au bord de la piscine, le bleu de la mer de Grèce à l'horizon...laissez-moi rêver...

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Because of the COVID-19 pandemic our offices are closed. But we are here to help our clients!
Call us! Spread the word!

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🇫🇷 - On parle trop des idiots, pas assez des gens solidaires : https://t.co/lI3IwwR4jK
🇬🇧 - We speak a lot about dummies, not enough about responsible people : https://t.co/lI3IwwR4jK

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Nos papy & nos mamy enfermés dans les meurent du loin de leur famille ds les pires douleurs de l'étouffement.On leur interdit l'accès à la ne les comptabilisent pas.
Merci aux aides soignants qui les accompagnent ds des conditions monstrueuses.

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黃色文創圈 加入確定!

經歷呢大半年 大家都攰啦
趁呢段時間 好好休息 好好照顧自己

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Artist Illustrates 7 Types Of Of This And We All Can Be At Least One Of Them https://t.co/EkG8vD1vvC

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Stay at home, wash your hands! It'll get better.

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