# detectivepikachu pikachu detective watercolor pixlr drawingoftheday fun happy cute pokemon ryanreynolds voicework childhood heros fanart acuarela watercolour aquarelle 水彩画 tinta ink インク paper abstract abstractart painting contemporaryart felizlunes arte art アート 绘画 paintings 水彩畫 艺术 藝術 gallery artcollectors guardiansofthegalaxy raccoon rocket rocketraccoon groot mcu marvel marvelcomics comics arts illustration nickfury badass illustrations illustrationart drawing brush nanquim artistsofsea gwendolinechristie brienneoftarth captainphasma gameofthrones got starwars rolemodel inspiration strongwoman fashion fashionicon germancomiccon gcc dortmund epic portrait tranquil inktober2018 inktober dog estilografo nankin flowers bristolartist veroniagayle feminism shaakti 墨画 水墨画 墨絵 bokuga suibokuga sumie inkpainting chineseink sumi worksonpaper inkart digitalart japaneseart かわいい 漫画 nature 田渕ひさ子 透明少女 ナンバーガール tabuchihisako numbergirl toumeishoujo sketchbook cafe coffee brunch drinks cartoon sketch desenho dibujo breakfast coffeebreak coffeeshop cafeteria fantasy woman tree driade copic marcador rpg plantas mulher arvore dryad monster red improvathon2013 fineart comedy satire satirical quotes illustratedprosody western impropriety theatre detox hangover rehab paint draw everydaylife ordinary kitchensinkschool acrylic acrylicpainting acrylicpaint dogs pets familypet dogsofinstagram bostonterrier bostonterriers doggy

Hello from the Japan!🇯🇵I'm TAKUMI.
draw a picture in Indianink(Sumie)
I want to go overseas sometime
Thank you for your time!

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Yes I know... hypersexualized bodies... male fantasies in sci-fi... she doesn't have to be naked to be a badass... yes !! But sometimes it's just nice to do some anatomical work on a beautiful female figure 😊.

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