“While sleepy interludes seem to rely on many of the same mental processes we use while awake, researchers are still trying to understand the way they work together during slumber.” https://t.co/fuzsu1M8pI

How your conjures

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"A 3D Ontogenetic atlas of mississippiensis cranial nerves and their significance for comparative of reptiles", new study by E.J. Lessner & C.M. Holliday () recently published in The Anatomical Record ():


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The neurodivergent community is a lot bigger than many people realize. Having any condition that makes your neurology diverge from the typical makes you neurodivergent. If you have one or more of these conditions than welcome to the family!

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Temporary and permanent aneurysm clips illustration for the oncoming neuro-anaesthesia book from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine.

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Ik he’s an alien and probably has different neurology and no terms in his language like autism, but he is VERY autistic coded with his aversions to germs and certain foods, as well as his passion for taking over the world and general lack of fitting in. Idk, I just rly relate

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Most popular and bestselling images by on - Artificial intelligence, CPU inside human >>>

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Dragonfly Sign! ✍
Watch out! This image isn't a real MR image! 😇
Pixel by Pixel Handmade!
For more info: 👉 https://t.co/78SUavaHF7

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One of the key investigations carried out in neurology and neurosurgery is the lumbar puncture. This article by demonstrates the indications for the procedure and how it is performed! A very insightful article for patients & professionals


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Language, Paleoneurology, and the Fronto-Parietal System https://t.co/NnDNfj7pR2

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Happy Birthday to the One-Eyed Devil, Mitsuki! A brilliant scientist & lecturer specializing in plants, brain science, neurology & psychology. Always researching & experimenting on a new concoction. She also has zoophobia, especially against small animals others deem to be cute.

10 27

36: Show me an MRI with "chronic microvascular ischemic changes" and I can tell you which microvessel is involved (not sure how clinically useful it is, but I can tell you 🧐)

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Four full-blown temporal lobe this morning.

How many ways can I say "Do Not Want"?

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Day 22: This is a must read for any vascular neurologist/interventionist/surgeons. Pure joy! thanks for the link --> https://t.co/mGoatZvNJ6 <--

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Day 18: Everything now is starting to make sense. Can't wait to learn about the beauty of bridging veins next...

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