🤩 DIWRNOD TRAWSNEWID LHDTQ+ 🌈 Dydd Sadwrn 27 Tachwedd, llawn sgyrsiau a gweithdai hwyliog AM DDIM a gyflwynir gan Trawsnewid, grŵp ifanc LHDTQ+ Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru

Manylion a tocynnau 👉🏼 https://t.co/4sMb8vkaTj

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🤩 TRAWSNEWID TAKEOVER 🌈 Saturday 27 November: talks and fun workshops presented by Trawsnewid, National Museum Wales' LGBTQ+ young group.

Talks and workshops are all FREE and open for anyone 14+ years to join!
Details 👉🏼 https://t.co/4HuvWEKrB0

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SADWRN YMA dewch i greu pyped queer, a dysgu triciau ar sut i ddod â'r pyped yn fyw! Rhan o ddiwrnod arbennig TRAWSNEWID LHDTQ+ yr amgueddfa
AM DDIM addas i 14+
👉🏼 https://t.co/BOv3wbUdY3

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THIS SATURDAY learn to make your very own queer puppet and some tricks and tips on how to bring them to life! Part of TRAWSNEWID TAKEOVER, day at the museum.
FREE suitable 14+
👉🏼 https://t.co/BL3oCcvHyt

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TRAWSNEWID - CREU BANERI 🌈 Ymunwch â ni i ymchwilio hanfodion baneri a symbolau, sut mae nhw'n parhau i gael eu defnyddio i gyfathrebu, a gwers gyflym ar greu baner! AM DDIM addas i 14+

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TRAWSNEWID - BANNER MAKING 🌈 Join us for an enquiry banners, motifs and how they have been used to communicate, and continue to do so and a crash course in banner construction! FREE suitable for ages 14+.

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🤩 TRAWSNEWID TAKEOVER 🌈 Saturday 27 November: talks and fun workshops presented by Trawsnewid, National Museum Wales' LGBTQ+ young group.

Talks and workshops are all FREE and open for anyone 14+ years to join!
Details 👉🏼 https://t.co/4HuvWEKrB0

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🤩 DIWRNOD TRAWSNEWID LHDTQ+ 🌈 Dydd Sadwrn 27 Tachwedd, llawn sgyrsiau a gweithdai hwyliog AM DDIM a gyflwynir gan Trawsnewid, grŵp ifanc LHDTQ+ Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru

Manylion a tocynnau 👉🏼 https://t.co/4sMb8vkaTj

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Lovers of French Culture and Historical Fiction, you'll want to read Rebecca Rosenberg's latest, CHAMPAGNE WIDOWS: Veuve Clicquot, Grande Dame of Champagne.

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Getting interested in this. Wildstorm: World's End changed the status quo of their universe for a few years, giving the whole line a post-apocalypse setting. Always wanted publishers to try shaking things up linewide.I think and shepherded the storyline!

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the incredible linewide fantagraphics digital sale will be over at this time next week, don't miss out...five great picks within this post


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🌾🌻💥gwaith celf ar gyfer podlediad Siarad Secs sydd allan yn fuan! Mor ecsaitud i wrando ar y gyfres newydd ar ôl mwynhau’r gynta’ gymaint! Diddorol hefyd gweld faint ma’ ngwaith i wedi newid yn h dwy flynedd ddwytha’!🙌🏼🌿🌈

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Played around with CHARAT GENESIS character creation, and tried to make a Bonewidow gijinka. A good starting point, but I feel I can improve on this. https://t.co/Mcvs8tjBo0

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