Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini ( 29 aprile 1675 – Venezia, 2 novembre 1741) è stato un pittore italianothe_clemency_of_alexander

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Filemone e Bauci
Giove, re degli dei, e il suo messaggero Mercurio scesero una volta sulla Terra, travestiti da poveri pellegrini. Nell’antichità l’ospitalità era un dovere sacro e consisteva nell’accoglierli, dar loro da mangiare e da dormire...

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Anch'io, se egual destino
m'è preparato,
giaccerà morto, ma adesso
voglio aver nobil gloria

(Iliade, Omero)

Alessandro Baricco

🎨Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini

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The ablest Professor in the Cabinet of the Tact by which Power is Kept: It is his Mission to Counteract the Talk by Which it is Won and Lost, Earl Granville, from Vanity Fair, Politicians, Carlo Pellegrini 🖌🎨

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To promote the Springe issue which includes Mark Pellegrini's latest horror story with us, we're giving away a copy of his novel They'll Get You.

Do all 4:
1. follow
2. like
3. retweet
4. comment

US-only (sorry!)

We'll do the drawing @ ~5 PM CST tonight and DM the winner

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Kamen America, Volume 5 and Omnibus
Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
Art by Timothy Lim
Written by Mark Pellegrini


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Kamen America, Volume 5 and Omnibus
Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
Art by Timothy Lim
Written by Mark Pellegrini


13 34

Kamen America, Volume 5 and Omnibus
Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
Art by Timothy Lim
Written by Mark Pellegrini


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Kamen America, Volume 5 and Omnibus
Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
Art by Timothy Lim
Written by Mark Pellegrini


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Kamen America, Volume 5 and Omnibus
Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
Art by Timothy Lim
Written by Mark Pellegrini


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last one from me today (could do this all day) we have set of Vanity Fair caricatures by notable artists Leslie "spy" Ward & Carlo "Ape" Pellegrini, we also have a huge postcard collection which contains wide variety of cartoons in itself

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Kamen America, Volume 5 and Omnibus
Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
Art by Timothy Lim
Written by Mark Pellegrini


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Kamen America, Volume 5 and Omnibus
Created by Timothy Lim and Mark Pellegrini
Art by Timothy Lim
Written by Mark Pellegrini


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