Creative work from ng Flannel flower and dragonfly. Sometimes the flora and fauna tell the story of where you are. North Head Manly which is a protected nature area. .

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Creative work from Old door handle.

Как же я люблю все старенькое, ржавенькое, в завитушечках!) Очень приятный медитативный урок от Нади Лойтлофф.

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Creative work from Charming street in Ibiza old town. I’ve been walking there thousands times as a teenager.
Today It’s raining in Antibes, I can’t draw outside. This time I drew from a picture I took early December....|

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Creative work from ng Intro to Travel Sketching courses start soon. Australia. New Zealand. South of France. Check them on .

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Creative work from Ipanema evening, watercolour 2018, Rio de Janeiro. My first painting thi...|

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Creative work from Quick study of cow hoof flasks for sale at in Downtown Los...|

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Creative work from Hey pals. I took a holiday break to eat a 💩ton of food and be with my fa...|

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Creative work from rt Нарисовала пятый портрет батла.

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Creative work from Sketching at Sanctuary Cove with my friend Nadia was a beautiful way to ...|

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Creative work from When you fall in love with a new flower. My kind of iris♡

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Creative work from Made especially for Zoe’s studio in exchange for the best haircut in nyc...|

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Creative work from as Avui al Cercle Sant Lluc amb els Inky Fingers Barcelona

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