that'd be Fiorré!

she's an anthropologist who definitely completed her degree in definitely anthropology, and definitely DIDN'T lie her way onto this expedition to try to find a cure for the nightmarish snow leopard lycanthropy she definitely doesn't have!

(also, Irish accent!)

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I have Callum. He is very much a sort of ‘reluctant Dragonborn’ type. He’s a somewhat reserved, honourable person who tries his best to do the right thing, even if it’s to his own detriment. He tries his best to be what others expect of him but also struggles with lycanthropy.

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復健練習 🤛


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I'm going through my medical anomaly arc, tbh.

Damn these doctors never learned Lycanthropy illness in school, clearly.

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Since is trending here's a couple of mine!

Keto: Undine Adept Druid! Mix of Water magic & lycanthropy!

Mala: Ifrit Cleric! Holy Fire magic aided by a demonic figure!

Honi: Wolf Laguz Rogue! Dagger and Claws!

Wolfgandra: Bloodrager! Longsword!

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the color of my sona's sclera! they were originally white until he was infected with lycanthropy

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Don’t think I posted this here. Some werewolf action from a while ago.

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My half-elf dancer Caeda!

I made her for a DnD campaign, little edgy but she was forced into a ritual that turned her into a lycanthropy-inflicted bloodhunter, though she can't use her powers well and was discarded for not having a full animal transformation

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My DnD character was cursed with lycanthropy and takes on a tiger form, so I gave her little tiger stripes on her cheeks.

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@lycanthropy_s 屋台スイーツを喜んで食べる🦜

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And speaking of Eugene, remember how I said the ultimate fate of those obsessed with memories is megalomania and misanthropy?

Well-- (and partner that with Eugene calling his human monsters "trash," just like Alex)

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Sometimes, being a with a day job means cleaning up after a wild night. And that means a lot of discarded fur and occasionally a or 2. Oops.

Chapter 3 of my new and the Single Girl is available for free:

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A new Thursday means chapter TWO of my and the Single Girl! It's still the beginning of a road I am very excited to go down with you all, and I hope you enjoy the journey (First 4 chapters free!)

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While my first novel, and the Single Girl, has JUST begun running a on my ( I've written WELL ahead and just did a for a to the SECOND book in the series:

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Decided that when the for my first and the Single Girl come out this holiday season, it will have two The body shot will be the softcover, and the will be the hardcover.

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Moon Owls is great. I really love the art and the fact the project support St. Jude's Children.♥️ That's why I'm in. Each piece is a 1/1 ... beauty is in the eye of the holder!

8 8

Art?, concepts?, philanthropy?, originality?, let's talk about by , check this specific standard piece on collection: almost none of this traits are present in others.

not just a (but we are) :B

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