画質 高画質

Aubrey Beardsley style ukiyo-e Nine-tail Fox(e)y Lady


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"Find the Master (Murshid), and seek his protection."
From Chinese Islamic poem. Ihsan is not a compilation of successes achieved by an individual but an experience fostered through interaction with others, especially with sensei.
Concept art of Japanese Islamicate ukiyo-e.

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"Helena Bonham Carter, Ukiyo-e, katsushika hokusai, wlop Thomas Kinkade - made with



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あえて は、大きな賑わいをみせた宿場を描かず、#荒川 近くの掘割にある水門辺を描写している。ここでは、二人の男が釣りに興じており、その傍らを行く農夫は、...

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Ukiyo-e Trivia 17: Katsushika Hokusai's Mount Fuji series is one of the most famous masterpieces of Japanese art.

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{hanafuda} ,
{ ukiyo-e } 入れても良いよね

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Ukiyo-e Trivia 16] Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige joined the mainstream of Ukiyo-e with their "landscape paintings.

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右: 吉田博 - 動物園 とら
 左: 吉田遠志 - 寅
Yoshida Hiroshi
Yoshida Toshi

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In prints popular subjects from The Tale of Genji were often applied to modern-day scenery. Here a princess and her maid are looking at the falling cherry blossoms on the engawa of a palace.

🎨'The Tales of Genji: Hana-chiru-sato' - Toyohara Kunichika, 1884.

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is sold out but will be part of the as an all around France you can pre-order their tickets, catalogues and goodies here :)


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がこの地を に詠じていることで知られるが、関屋の里は 辺の から 辺までの総称であったという。往時は画面のように...

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Courtesan tying her sash, from the series Patterns of Four Seasons, by Kobayashi Kiyochika, ca. 1907

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