Mutalith, Day 10. Done! It's been a heck of a grind, this little monster. Serious thank you for all the feedback, suggestions and love along the way. Again, proving this community is incredible. (1/2)

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sorry ive been quiet its been pretty hectic but ive still managed to grab hobby time ,finished the last 3 hellblasters off and half way through another mini as well but heres the 3 finished and the unit of 7

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Mutalith day 9. Horns 'n spines 'n claws. All need tightening up. I'll call it now, going be done for day 12. You guy's who have stuck with me so far, thank you! I understand how bored you must be!

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Mutalith day 6. It's gone wrong. I learnt a lesson in colour theory. This orange colour started out pink. It's still meant to be. Turns out a yellow wash 'For shading' tints the whole thing. Oops.

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Mutalith day 5. Monday morning. Everyone back in work. It's early, it's dark, it sucks. But, hey, at least you haven't got to go and fight a 50 ft mutant with 6 drippy tongues today.

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Mutalith day 4. I know its early on a Sunday but... well, twitter, I started on the soft fleshy underbelly, one thing lead to another, and... now it's time we got very... licky.

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Hey and I are looking for paint storage recommendations. Desk space is a no go, we have drawers but just piling them all in there makes it hard to find things.
We have 90%citadel, a few Vallejo ones too
What you got?

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been working on the big lad's skin area tonight. Human flesh isn't something I tend to do alot so was fun translate to a bigger mini.

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so one of the college kids that i take to school has learning difficulties, i knew he liked some of the minatures i painted, so i asked him what were his favourite colours black and red he said to me not knowing why i have a slight surprise for him tomorrow

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Managed to drag my 'sorry for myself' butt out of my room and paint up the mini I printed for my secret santa gift for work.

It's so cute and I don't want to give it to them!

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Colonel Colm Corbec of the Tanith First And Only. About 90% there. Should finish him tomorrow. Woo.

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- Colm Corbec, one of Gaunt’s Ghosts. Nice little break this. Speaking of breaking things, I dropped him and snapped his bloody lasgun. Hopefully my fix with a plastic spare doesn’t look too horrendous 😅

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And second is the wild shape griffon, based off snow leopard patterns. I tied in her Drow heritage with the coloring in the wings and fur.

These two were painted upon request by .

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A little update on my manticore that I last started back in June.
I’ve added Terrorgheist legs, Lord of Change wings + Bloodthirster horns.
Lots of fiddly GS work up next, so expect an update in another 6 months or so ☺️

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I shall name him Lieutenant Kerbius Mir'shan made the base out of cork give him a molten lava effect sword used salamanders upgrade sprue also

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i have used so many painting techniques to do this minature and feel like its now complete to show you all. Time to introduce Adrax Agatone. im also open for commission on this minature if anyone is interested

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