"Writing helps you to keep open and not close down. It helps you to keep on growing." — Madeleine L’Engle

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"For me, the greater part of writing is daydreaming, dreaming the dream of my story until it hatches out." ― Michael Morpurgo

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"A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures. But inferior poets are absolutely fascinating." ― Oscar Wilde

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Apparently it is portfolio day again? I draw things. I also wrote a whole book. 😊

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"But this I know; the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master ―
something that at times strangely wills and works for itself." ― Charlotte Brontë

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"Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar."
― E.B. White

by Christine Ellger

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Is there a book in you? 📖📘📚


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Writers! Do you need a proofreader? The answer is yes, and here's why. You may be surprised when you see what's in these FAQs:

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Writers! Do you need a proofreader? The answer is yes, and here's why. You may be surprised when you see what's in these FAQs:

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So the more I socially isolate, the more isolated I wish to become. Just me? Could just be that I made the mistake of trying to converse with someone of an opposite opinion on Facebook. My mistake.

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This mornings choice is The Watchers: The Watchers Series: Book 1 by .

If I'm feeling up to it, I might buy another book this afternoon

Keep posting those links!

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Writers! Intending to self-publish? Or are you thinking of submitting your book to an agent or publisher?
Every writer needs a proofreader. Here's why!
https://t.co/CjNPqpcT3y … … … … … …

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Writers! Intending to self-publish your book? Or are you thinking of submitting to an agent or publisher?
Every writer needs a proofreader. Here's why!
https://t.co/CjNPqpcT3y … … … … … … … … … … … … …

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Anyone else have severe ADWD? Attention Deficit Writing Disorder...

Cross your fingers I can focus in church today and NOT work on my WIP in my brain.

Odds are...NOT in my favor.

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Cold snaps in Florida are rare, but when they happen the weather gets crazy. Forget raining cats and dogs, it rains iguanas! Poor Maria is afraid of lizards but she can’t just leave them out in the cold. Coming soon to

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What music influenced your story or the development of your protagonist?

My MC almost always gets a theme song. For my WIP, it’s Snuff by . One of the greatest songs...ever. Followed by Ashes—.

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