Off-theme this week as E. will struggle with mascots but he wanted to show people what we finished today. To help him learn his alphabet, we've all been working together on drawing a sea-life A-Z poster. He chose the animal for each letter and he drew 3 of them.

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this weekend is a contest sponsored by ! Design a mascot for your favorite fish, and it could win a prize, or make it into the Hall of Fame! For inspiration, see this week's blog post, or my own design: Polly

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The theme is early to allow time for a contest! Related to the post on fish mascots, please design a fish mascot for Sunday! The winner will receive an art print. Here is 's Polly as an example. Please retweet so people see!

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Who could it be? Big mystery.

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Chilling this early autumn Sunday afternoon and drawing an illustration of a Hugely popular in all European freshwaters, this fish is no stranger to most of us.

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I'm painting again! Here's a sneak peek of something fishy I'm currently working on.

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Thanks to the theme of today (cave dwelling fishes), I learned about Leptoseris troglodyta, an Indo-Pacific coral that lives on the ceilings of without 😯 by

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A crossed-fork back golden-line barbel (Sinocyclocheilus furcodorsalis) for this week’s “fish that live in caves” themed Liked the shape of this hypogean fish from a single subterranean stream in Guangxi Zhuang, China.

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A later than normal of a Red Hills Roach for this week's theme (at least I think it's on theme...). This time I tried my hand at painting a fish in Photoshop. It's still a

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Gustav ssp., the golden fish, unically found in my

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The Arctic Charr is my anadromous salmonids for this week. The migratory individuals of this species are exhibiting surreal red color upon their return and spawning.

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spring reproduction in saint-lawrence estuary smala effluents

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Been working on it since sunday… endangered « chevalier cuivré » only found around the Richelieu river, maybe a 1000 specimen left

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This let's all take an extra moment to appreciate the exceptional prehistoric fish of (in order: Paranogmius, Rebellatrix, Stenoprotome, & Bothriolepis) 🐠🐟🐡

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For the "Shark Week" theme, I did the first I saw in the wild, the lemon shark. I'll never forget this calm and massive fish swimming beside huge tarpons.

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A very later addition for this week’s Today’s fish’s is the Rooster fish, a game fish which is found in warm waters such as the East Pacific.

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Here’s a Shark face in progress... will finish it later and an old sketch of basking shark

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For this week's I re-present my shortfin mako I hope to do some more aquatic-themed art at too 🦈🎨

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