Admiral Hipper and Glowworm from Warshipgirls

22 38

OK, 2 more humanizations from Thomas and the Magic Railroad. Lily "Lady" Stone II and Demetrius "Diesel 10" Warship.

Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle!

0 2

According to Hiromoto himself, he designed many characters and scenery for Parodius Da! that include stages such as the candy maze, the Mt. Fuji stage, the Moai warship, the graveyard, the north pole base, the Bacterion Base and even the title sequence.

1 7

The STEADFAST was a Chiss warship of the Chiss Ascendancy serving under the Expansionary Defense Fleet during the Imperial Era. It was under the command of Admiral Ar'alani.

6 93

World of Warshipsアズールレーンコラボイラストコンテストが終わりましたのでアップ・


6 13

1911, King George V granted Royal ascent for the Naval Service of Canada (created the previous year) to be known as the Royal Canadian Navy with all warships prefixed with HMCS from this point. The has strong ties with to this day.

58 308

[3310x2411] The sinking of the French armoured cruiser Léon Gambetta on 27 April 1915, a contemporary painting of August von Ramberg from /u/Historynerd88 at

15 94

The arm is sooooooooo long that it extends far and beyond to snare foreign companies carrying out normal activities on their own territory! Its octopus-like long arms should first snatch its fighter jets and warships out of other country's doorstep!

286 2224

Third Quote from my book
"The canvas showed an ironclad warship, a creature wrapped in gray storm clouds and smog. A giant lethargic eye, a knife-sharp pupil in the center of a golden vortex, glared at the witch as if its gaze could incinerate her."

0 2


59 106

Are you or

Now is your last chance to add them to your World of Warships collection before they depart from the Premium Shop.


16 110

luego de recobrar mi contraseña y decir vamos hazlo si bien tarde y mi diseño quedo muy a medias la verdad es que el concepto es muy viable espero que si bien mi diseño no es elegido el concepto de warshipman se utilizado

4 7

TT wTT i don't know enough about real warships to make something based on a real ship, so here's something completely made up! TT wTT The picrew image of her is more akin to what I wanted her to look like TTuTT

KMS Smilodon, Iron Blood, Heavy Cruiser

2 28

Erased pages of from my column with :

(The Portuguese Man O' War is closely related to jellyfish, and called so because of its resemblance to Portuguese warships known as man o' wars)

8 50

Birds of Prey is trending, but it does not refer to the classic Klingon warship! I do not approve...

1 2

is the oldest commissioned warship afloat, and the Ship's history stretches from 1794 to today. Looking for an important date in USS Constitution history? Check our timline!

7 15

They say 3rd times the charm and I can happily say this saying is true for my newest amagi

So here is the finished product and this is the world of warships version which has the copy pasta nagato superstructure

2 24