【🇫🇷 : 1789-バスティーユの恋人たち- デムーランイメージポーチ🌿】大人気だった渡辺大輔さんのお衣装です✨サイドあみあみして縁取ってホックつけて…の作業がすごく大変だったけど楽しかった😆💓リュシルちゃんとツーショットも撮っておきました☺️一番大変だった作品なので思い入れ強めの子です💕

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Today's is another pink dress with a floral pattern. This one though was made between 1770-1789, although the embroidery is from 1730-1750. The style is a little frumpy, but the embroidery is impeccable.

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Birthday in the park: James Fenimore Cooper, 1789-1851, American novelist........https://t.co/81ZGUDf8wQ

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Construction of Room The Peepholes. The Colonel's Bequest (1989), Sierra On-Line.

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1789年… RT : オスカル RT : 【大喜利】◯◯とは、美しい花をまき散らす者ではなく、苦悩する者のために戦う者のことだ ◯を埋めてボケて

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Born 1Sep1789 Marguerite Power, Countess of forced to marry Cpt. Maurice St. Leger Farmer, a drunk who died when he fell out a window. Four months later, she married ... More: https://t.co/HgNkJfKb29

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誕生(1916、撃墜王)、#濱口雄幸 没(1931、総理大臣)、#いがらしゆみこ 誕生(1950、まんが家)、#護衛艦こんごう 進水(1991)、つづく

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Joseph Vernet (1714–1789), Moonlight

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Prenons un peu le large ce jeudi avec le peintre Claude Joseph Vernet (1714-1789). Admirateur de Poussin, il est reconnu pour ses "marines", et notamment ses 24 tableaux de ports de France.

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View of the Colosseum by Night, 1830-2, Carl Gustav Carus, 1789-1869, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Carus, a peer of Caspar David Friedrich, the artists painted the same Romantic subjects: ruins, mountains, and moonlit nights.

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AiC Art for the Day - Born August 14: Claude-Joseph Vernet, French, (1714-1789)



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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 풍경화가 『클로드 베르네(Claude Joseph Vernet )』가 태어난 날입니다.
1714.08.14 - 1789.12.03
● Artist CV: https://t.co/1Dv3PgJiae

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Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre, 1714-1789 Naiads and dolphins

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11 septembre 1789 : 50 nuances de droite et de gauche
11 septembre 2019 : 50 nuances de bides et de frites

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 영국의 화가 『존 마틴(John Martin)』이 태어난 날 입니다.
1789.07.19 - 1854.02.17
● Artist CV: https://t.co/c6WLFClTG8

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Hubert Robert
La Bastille, les premiers jours de sa démolition 1789 Paris

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14 july 1789 in the fables urbaines univers.
I never do patriotic stuff like that but right now the French Revolution and me is a great love story about aesthetics. So this is a very frenchy little illustration of Asphie

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