2歳前まで住んでいた部屋のことを突然思い出したようです。府中にいた頃のことはほとんど覚えていないみたい。記憶といえば胎内記憶、うちは聞いたことないです😅 https://t.co/Nqk9nCHPEm

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Otra "ilustracion baby" con esta ilustración infantil de una pequeña Hidra. La séptima ilustración de una serie de seres de fantasía, mitología o terror convertidos en adorables bebés.


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Il·lustracions de llibre de text per a nens anglesos i nord-americans. Pels del meu propi país, de moment, no hi ha manera 🤷‍♂️

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It turns out that has kindly posted a free paper texture on his website. I have used it one of my old illustrations and it works very well. Thanks Kyle!

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as vezes vc só precisa de alguém pra falar que vai ficar tudo bem
sometimes you just need someone to tell you that everything will be fine

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"Mommy, this is the best thing you've ever done! This is genius!!"
And that's why everybody should have a 5yo giving feedback on their work! 😀

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