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Sie ist endlich fertig.
Ist nur ein Entwurf. Sind auch einige Sachen schief gegangen. Der Schweif ist falsch, die Brüste 🤣 und der Kopf wirkt zu groß durch den Schild. Aber sonst ganz gut.

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' Universal Center' 68x68cm Giclee print. This little fella IS the big bang. Now Available at RISEART https://t.co/qWPrJ8Tx6g

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The Telosians live in a subterrean realm in the Inner Earth which can be entered through the poles.They are associated with the Melchizedeck spiritual order with connections to Arcturus and Sirius.

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The feud between the two Anunnaki half-brothers Enki and Enlil is the main conflict of season 1 of the SKY GODZ streaming anime series which should be availabe on your local service by mid-2019. ☄☄☄

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Ceremonial magic to achieve higher consciousness takes a lot of practice and persistence. Open yourself up to the universe and you will see worlds you never imagined to exist...

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The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran (not to be confused with the Venusians or Pleiadians) have been encountered going back almost a full century.

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The story of the great Anunnaki king Osiris who was murdered by his own son Set and whose body parts were distributed around the world is one of the most compelling tale of Egyptian mythology

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The Mantis beings are peaceful and very intelligent. That's why they were chosen as official ambassadors by the Galactic Federation on Sirius B.

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Aquatic alien beings are mostly found in the Sirius system. This particular one is from a star cluster called Beta Aurigae.

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Are the small Greys that show up in your bedroom in the middle of the night alien visitors or government experiments gone wrong? 👽👽👽

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Vegetable Man! An early return for Series 13 back in 1975, halcyon days😍

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