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one of my real old old wip.
seems better without faces (cuz my arse cant draw faces).

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Took and 's gorgeous Sunmi for a spin for Had lots of fun kicking the artblock in the arse.

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! 👋
I'm an illustrator and motion graphics designer. I wish I could make more work like this but time slips away from me. I sometimes feel like I gave up on my dreams for full time work. Like if you want to kick me up the arse to make more drawings.

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Finally got off my arse and re-assigned all my sub emotes to Tier 1, so now y'all can get your hands on all 4 of these without shelling out for higher tiers!

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But even after 6 hours of being stampede'd, big-arse caterpillar gets tired and goes back to where it was.

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If you wake a big-arse Caterpillar up, you're probably going to get ran over several times.

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Being inactive for a while... I'm a lazy arse (°ー°〃)

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And finished. Who needs sleep when there’s soykaf? I’m sure there will need to be adjustments when we get some actual character info, but for now here’s one kicking arse with a katana and magic

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Sajid Javid is the latest candidate to be fired from this year's Conservative Apprentice! Despite his massive head, vast intellect, psychic powers and floaty chair, his inability to put his own socks on or wipe his own arse made him seem weak and proved to be his downfall.

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Just saw the trailer for BOTW sequel... you can bet your arse I’m excited.

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《Ma piumaggio sanguigno
Nn piomba
Solo viene alle nari
L'amaro di polveri arse
Di fondelli bruciati
Fuso al selvatico delle ginestre
All'umido delle crete
Ripete lo sparo
Alza il fusto di fumo
Che accenna passeggera ombrella》

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Another kaiju for kaijune. Vulture kaiju or skeksis, not sure which. Big arse winged mofo though.

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A'm back ye fuckin' wankers ah bet ye miss lil ol' me sae much ye stairted tae drank yer ain piss oot o' a champagne glass while in yer grandmother's arse !!

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For all the evertonians who don't no what a European ground looks like 😜😜 Fukin arl arse !

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Its been clear the entire time I have just never seen it until now.

For the light to shine out of your arse, the light must first shine into your area.

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I always found Adria's character intriguing. Based on character cues overarching the whole trilogy, she always struck me as a character who would kick even Diablo in the arse if she thought he was getting too comfortable.

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Intergalactic negotiations, eh?
Nothing like a bit of Princess Shroob arse to improve your day~

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A1sizzle, dead arse what's your colour.

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