The Procession to Calvary, 1564 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

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06 Works, Today, June 6th is Saint Hilarion's day, his story in Paintings

Please follow link for full post

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todavía la dejo calva

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dopo Pentecoste. La Chiesa è divenuta Madre nel Cenacolo. Maria è divenuta Madre della Chiesa sul Calvario, quando ha concepito ognuno di noi nel dolore per la crocifissione del suo Figlio:
- Donna, ecco il tuo figlio!
- Ecco la tua Madre!

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Louise - Zero no Tsumaima

Primeira vez que fui no CAF e ainda fui de cosplay, peruca veio calva e eu tive que ficar o evento todo com a touca do MG. GRANDE DIA 👍🏼

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cn gore

And everybody knows that you're in trouble
Everybody knows what you've been through
From the bloody cross on top of Calvary
To the beach of Malibu
Everybody knows it's coming apart
Take one last look at this sacred heart
Before it blows
Everybody knows

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Have been playing The Procession to Calvary by lately and I’m. Obsessed with it. So beautiful and hilarious, made out of literally everything I could ever want in a game. 10/10 would recommend 📯🗝⚔️

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ADVゲーム「The Procession to Calvary」、戦争の後に到来した法と秩序の時代に全然適応できてない女騎士(殺人狂)が何が何でも合法殺人を続けようとする話なので、オープニングの会話からして独特の疾走感がある。 ※勝手に翻訳した非公式字幕です

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The Procession to Calvary

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La Harpe du Calvaire, pour le futur Dieu des Tourments, en 128px.
"[...] Mais quand sa pointe racle contre le sol, la harpe sonne comme un sombre requiem".

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The Rockies Witch Insurrection,

A) GCSA with mercenary auxillaries incur into Witch-held mountain villages. Ground forces would chase Witches up to waiting air Calvary.

B) Mercenaries demonstrating how tenacious enemy snipers are.

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