Nefandae Issue 1, Midnight Mist, Carbonoid (2015)

4/4 END! 💋 

112 515

Commission for cici75 on FA of their character Verita and just a rando werewolf getting it on.

verita belongs to cici75! don't repost //

224 797

Furry Friday, except not this pic.
Artist is Negisaray
But the monster erotica stories are by E.M. Beastly

5 18

Nefandae Issue 1, Midnight Mist, Carbonoid (2015)


179 713

I'm selling these guys for 15$ each?

I might as well post something here right?

0 7

gettin hot and sweaty bc your monster wife is like 70 lbs heavier than u and almost entirely covered in fur.

dude belongs to stage, monster girl belongs 2 mee. also thanks for the 4k!! // don't repost //

145 602

thats One way to tame a demon.

dude belongs to stage, other char is mine but was designed by 9thshot on dA

don't repost //

238 864

Erebus () loves his smaller mate, Nanbu () and will tear any apart who harm him.
// // // //#gayart // // // //
Re-tweets appreciated❤

Shaygoyle on Patreon (2018)

14 38

This is like a magic eye. U have to kinda cross your eyes to see all 3 figures. 👁️👁️

53 181

huh, wonder what that hand gesture means


4 12

for / Rt's always appreciated//
// // // // // // //

Shaygoyle on Patreon (2018)

3 18