I have exciting news!
A while back I made a springboard for 's

I used that springboard to create my webcomic, Antithesis, for the

Read the 1st chapter here: https://t.co/eCbyYINi1M
Shares, comments, subscribes all appreciated!

15 25

I am the antithesis of keeping a consistent style goodbye

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he looks really stupid in the last panel because i can not draw him but i still like the idea of him acting like a small island to lure in those who do not pay the tithe.. he has cool lore ok

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Finally, with the help of the suggestions, I was able to think of the perfect antithesis for Zen’s ALA motives in the party of VTubers lol love ya dorks!

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hummingbird hawkmoth looking bitch. maybe some kind of sleazy bureaucrat or tithe collector

1 2


mana titheと同期

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Why is rigging both the antithesis of fun and the 3D equivalent of russian roulette.

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My advice, do what you feel best conveys the story.

That includes ignoring canon if you think antithetical to a better written story. Because right now, tbh, Zun's stopped caring about the story. Make the best damn game you can, including story. People will appreciate that.

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More good news?! made the first volumes of THINK TANK, POSTAL, and THE TITHE available to download for free: https://t.co/50j92dYzjC

23 46

It can be said Vivi is the main protagonist of FFIX - a clear antithesis of Kuja. Vivi and Kuja both knew of their deaths and their purpose of life early on, and both made decisions of how to live with what they had remaining. Destructive nihilism? Or a reason to help everyone?

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FAIRY STEEDS: In Robert Burn's 'Tam Lin' (1771-9), the fairy knights and ladies ride horses.
'For I'll ride on the milk-white steed,
And ay nearest the town,
Because I was an earthly knight
They gie me that renown.'
Illus: 'A Tithe to Hell', Pamela Burne-Jones

12 45

Last night within Liverpool City centre there were four commercial burglaries in Oldham Street, Leigh Street, Tithebarn Street and Great Charlotte Street. Offenders were caught at all these locations. If thinking about committing these crimes you will end up in handcuffs.

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Now all their hope is on Scientists and medical research😄😄
You all now see where your tithes & offerings should have been going, bah?

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I probably coulda spent more time on this but that seems antithetical to the concept of memeing =p

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He's the goofy one, intended to be an antithesis of his more "pompous" companions. He can climb across ropes while attacking, since he has literally four hands.

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❝Uh-oh. You're the antithesis of peace.❞

❝What's shaking?❞

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- Aerith is half-Cetra
- Sephiroth is half-Jenova

- Aerith is always associated with WHITE feathers (angel)
- Sephiroth is symbolized with BLACK feathers (devil)

Aerith and Sephiroth have ALWAYS been the antithesis to each other. Can't wait to see more of it in the Remake! 💪🏻🔥

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In Celtic lore, the Queen of the Fairies is represented as beautiful & seductive, but also terrible & deadly Paying a tithe to Hell every 7years, with her mortal lovers as the sacrifice. Even though she may show kindness, she is quick to seek revenge!

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actually got to thinking on what "good omen" would be like, and i think they're be the Actual Angel antithesis to Bad Omen

whereas bomen's enables people to make bad choices because they love chaos

gomen would be restrictive and oppressive to maintain order

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