GMS 근황

한국 메이플과 검마 스토리 노선이 완전히 다르다는 의혹이 제기됨

586 93

Today is the one year anniversary of our TTRPG podcast . We love making this show. and are fantastic GMs. Thanks to everyone who has joined us on our ridiculous adventures so far.

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Common GM artistic rendering: shadowy figure manipulating the strings around the party

Actual GMs:

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The traveling collector! I'm planning on having this guy help you out with some unique items.

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Panda-monium update will be coming to Russian Subway Dogs next week! We'd hoped to get it out for September but GMS 1.4.9999 bugs caused us some trouble.

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posted by Jackie Burns , Fellow Member of the IAAA.
"Shuttle Bay Open. Graphite pencil, coloured pencils, on 120gms art paper."
For a complete description and to see more of Jackie Burns's art, go to her IAAA portfolio at...

5 9

Followers! Help me decide. I want a new weapon skin in These are 2 upcoming weapon skins coming to GMS. or I am a sucker for scythes, but with the umbrella looks pretty cute on my character. :-)

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I've updated the itchio page with a link to download the game for MacOS 🍎

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We love reading the Crystal Heart campaign by --an actual play in comic form, with side comments and great tips for GMs! Remember, a new page drops every Monday. Catch up on the story today!

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GMs: Our Go-To Tips to Address Overpowered Player Characters

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「アタシはアタシだし キミはキミだよ それでいい」

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Monad coming to GMS on July 25.

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I often get asked why I enjoy Heavy Gunner. Cute character running around with a big ass cannon? I signed up 3 years ago and never looked back.

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somethin from 2014, because I was sad that GMS doesn't have Zen.

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マップがやっとできた!屋外だから異様に時間かかったけど、ハード過ぎて色々限界突破した気がするw この規模のマップでもそこまで歩けないから本当に背景作る人って大変だなって思た。しかし超楽しい。世界を作ってるって感じがする! 

2315 7005

細かくてすみません、色々やったので記録用に進捗を。立ち絵の入り移動、立ち絵の切り替えイベント、状態遷移アニメのカットシーン終了後、戻るアニメ、戻るアニメの途中で再度話しかけるとリセットされる処理! 腕を途中で組み直すオヤジw

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