En prévision de la formation sur l’#évaluation, lecture de ,L’évaluation et ses pratiques, et réalisation d’une fiche de lecture synthèse.

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Tutti belli colorati! Il mio preferito in assoluto rimane Flareon!

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What books & Authors do you love?
Sketchnoted this quote from Neil Gaiman, one of my favorite authors, while reading an article by Austin Kleon on How to Read More, which I also recommend.

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Yesterday’s of the day focussed on - Today, is front & centre - How can we really promote literacy behaviours w/in a JK/SK class?

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Plus de 100 personnes ont déjà réservé leur billet pour le prochain International Sketchnote Camp à Paris-Louveciennes !

🗓️Rejoignez la Communauté du 21 au 23 août 2019 pour tester, apprendre, partager autour des !

👉Réservations : https://t.co/CcUjS0hvp8

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More than 100 people have already their ticket for the next International Sketchnote Camp in Paris-Louveciennes !

🗓️Will you join the community on 21-22-23 August 2019 to test, learn, share about ?!

👉Registration : https://t.co/CcUjS0hvp8

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Ce soir c’est le lancement de la 4ème session de formation sur la en ligne ! Tu peux t’inscrire en dernière minute et rejoindre la communauté de 100 praticiens bienveillants : https://t.co/3f0dohbpFe

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Petra drawings coloured in. Maybe I should do a character sheet about her. Like about her information and personal details.

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of the day - 3 Realities coming your way - Do you know the educational applications of - How will this technology engage Ss?

1 8

I did ... something.
Shiro just scared him a little.
(I`ll correct the perspective of the legs and other later😅)

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The starts today and I'm excited to be part of the programme!

This Friday I'll be delivering a workshop on Visualising Research Using Sketchnotes. A highly Interactive 3 hours full of fun and value!

Looking forward to it!!

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Spannender input zu aus Norderstedt: und Stadtbücherei auf gemeinsamen Weg zum neuen Bildungshaus

1 21

“Cada día haz algo que te acerque un poco más a un mejor mañana. “

0 1

International Sketchnote Camp is coming to Paris France, August 21-23, 2019! https://t.co/rVi1wuQz7H - on

2 11

International Sketchnote Camp is coming to Paris France, August 21-23, 2019! https://t.co/FLq10oZ57C

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Je prends goût à l'exercice ! Comment dire "loin" dans une ? Quelques tentatives de réponse.

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Here an example for a “creative” It’s the invitation for my birthday party of this year. I pixeled day and location because I dont want to offer an official FB-Party. 🤪

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