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"What you're missing is that the path itself changes you."
-Julien Smith

124 168

With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy? ~ Oscar Wilde

2 9

Here's my finished illustration of Flitt from the Keepers of the Wellsprings series!

15 17

Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? ~#JohnLennon

6 5

Metaphors have a way of holding the most truth in the least space- Orson Scott Card

5 8

Sometimes things that you live with every day jump out at you.

1 0

Getting the first draft done is like pushing a very dirty peanut across the floor with your nose. -Joyce Carol Oates Keep Writing

38 73

Sometimes how I feel after a long night of writing. ;) =))) Write On! Write well! ..Keep Writing. Luckily it fades. ;) =)))

25 52

We're live! Please check out our site and come back every Friday for new posts!


5 3

I write to find what I have to say. I edit to figure out how to say it right.

117 175

Even though time is infinite
Our existence within it is limited
Before you realize, yours will be up...
make sure

192 155

The Do good work and share it with people.

41 64

Dear , please read to us from "Under the Dome." Find us under the Geneva Bubble.

4 5

Staring out the window tears stained her face
She did not know why she was still waiting...

155 97

"The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe."
whilst providing

7 24

Out on the edge u see all kinds of things u can't see from the center.


83 111

What kind of world would this creature lord over, if it were a god?

6 21