When you're alone working on your for and you hear someone call your name.

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Comic: Wordcount Envy Clinic.

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Inktober is over so let's get back into more colorful stuff! Finished the new cover for my Nanowrimo project this year.
Who else is taking on the Nano challenge? 😁

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Okay, so I said I was gonna talk about the dominant religion of Vallatu, BUT Brynjar Feyseeker and his family really wanted their NPC spotlight. Brynjar is a good example of the world is like for a human man caught up in the fey realm.

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Hope day 2 of NANOWRIMO is a success for my fellow writing warriors 😜

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Yesterday's Word Count (Day 1):

Today's Word Count (Day 2):

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Finally set up my page. Hope to get some writing buddies if possible! I've never been the social type but I hope to maybe find people to chat with on Discord (or Skype if I decide to redownload it) https://t.co/8IEuwpADff

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It's November 1st, which means the first day of This year I'm focusing on writing my Twine story, so I'll be writing one entry a day and illustrating each entry.

Today I'm starting with the title for Chapter 3: Serendipity!

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It's National Novel Writing Month. I've never actually done it, but I might try this year just to get myself to writing that next story.
Let's get this going.

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Entering November, so I’m sharing my goals for this month. I have a short story, an edit, and a rough draft to get done this month. Think I can do it? Maybe with enough coffee. 😅 Let’s see what I can get done!

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I can't decide if I want to use book 4, the Extended Edition of Subverter (#lostroadchronicles book 2), or the rewrite of my first novel for Ahhh, decisions!

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I’m so excited for this year’s This year my boyfriend is doing it with me and I’m gonna kick his butt.

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As few of you know, I'm participating to the NaNoWriMo contest!
So here is the cover I made for my project "Red Star Rising", telling the story of what happened on the Island Nora was trapped in.

// PS: Happy Birthday Nora! 😂

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starts in a few days and in the process of utilizing to get my materials together for it, I stumbled upon some of my old character profiles... and I mean OLD! LOL. I did these 9 years ago. X'D
Me from 9 years ago was adorab… https://t.co/VfLcd3xKis

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