Thankfully I’ve broken through that block. It took a few frustrating weeks but I’m through it. Stop start stop start was making me question my writing ability

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Inspired by an actual conversation I had with my sister.
She's so understanding and compassionate about my writerly problems😂

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Have y’all ever just...?! 😭😂 ... This has happened to me way too many times. Tryna be better about jotting things down these days, even when I’m in bed..! What do you do to remember?

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My struggle... I've been writing down ideas in Dabble for the last 30 minutes and I still cant fall asleep... why cant ideas hit when I'm not trying to sleep

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My characters are having tea and raspberry scones, and now I want some.

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That moment when you realize you have overshot the low-end of the required word count for a short story submission. I need to wrap this up and get a few beta reads on this.

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& I get the day together! Yes, losing a day to is ALWAYS worth it for the right reason. "What's the dearest gift a can give a Time." via

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Hey have any of you had successful social media ads? If so, have any tips?

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I can't decide if I want to use book 4, the Extended Edition of Subverter (#lostroadchronicles book 2), or the rewrite of my first novel for Ahhh, decisions!

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And the "really sucks" periods are waaaay too long.

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My dog, every time I sit down to write. Every. Time.

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Realizing you made a mistake/typo after submitting a manuscript to a publisher.

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Me trying to juggle my character's lives and failing

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Digging up old notes. 'This goes here right?'

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