Este paisaje se inscribe en la tradición de las obras conmemorativas de cortejos solemnes. Todos los asistentes van vestidos de gala, lo que indica que se trata de una celebración cortesana.
Festival de nuestra Señora de los bosques (1616) 🧵👇

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Rezamos en la Solemnidad del del Señor.

A la orilla del Jordán,
descalza el alma y los pies,
bajan buscando pureza
doce tribus de Israel.

Piensan que a la puerta está
el Mesías del Señor
y que, para recibirlo,
gran limpieza es menester.

11 33

was feeling alone and angsty so have a solemn and angsty looking kaoru made with many brush types since I was experimenting🙁

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My monthly patreon rewards from continue my Contemporary Fashion series of putting my characters in modern clothes. This time it's Quasar looking real badass (still has the helmet on. we'll never know his face!) and Zdz trying to lure in people to eat.

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-- Mikazuki, te quiero, pero estoy tratando de llorar por todo el drama con cierta solemnidad…
S2 16

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Utility / Leadio a-Telle Solem
5:春天、秋天、JC /6

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Today, many Catholics in the U.S. celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The actual feast is on Jan. 6.

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Loki - Elfo Mago 🐍
Shin - Humano monge 😈
Ignis - Lich Caçador
Dhados - Desconto vermelho, paladino de Solemn e capitão da guarda real de Schrarshalantas

0 13

O Último Escudo 🛡️⚜️⚔️

Grupo épico de D&D e Tormenta20. Para

Promoção realizada pelo pessoal da

Calis - Druida humano Sumo-Sacerdote de Thwor ✊🏽
Khaidus - Anão Paragorn de Doherimm 🔨
Solemn - Elfo paladino. Deus dos heróis e dos elfos 🗡️

1 30

As an earthquake rocks a corse
In its coffin in the clay,
So White Winter, that rough nurse,
Rocks the death-cold Year to-day;
Solemn Hours! wail aloud
For your mother in her shroud.

— SHELLEY, “Dirge for the Year” January 1 1821.

9 35

New Year’s Day 2021. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. World Day of Prayer for Peace. The words of the prophet Micah in today’s first reading at Mass seem a fitting guide to live by for the year ahead, ‘act justly, live tenderly , walk humbly with God’.

21 67

“It was different when there was a Stark in Winterfell. But the old wolf’s dead & young one’s gone south to play the game of thrones, & all that’s left us is the ghosts.”

“The wolves will come again,” said Jojen solemnly.

“And how would you be knowing, boy?”

“I dreamed it.”

43 204

Li'l Tos 2x23 - The Omega Glory: Captain Ronald Tracey
"A star captain's most solemn oath is that he will give his life, even his entire crew, rather than violate the Prime Directive."

2 29

am i stretching? maybe but marriage is the core theme of XOS & both Logan and Solem represent the Empress and Emperor, respectively, in the tarot

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wait if Logan and Solem stole the ceremonial twin blades meant for marriage.. does that mean they’re technically married now?

Logan and Doug being married to Arakkiis really helps the reunification plans, methinks.

4 30

Cuando hablamos del filtro de mugre para la Edad Media solemos olvidarnos del filtro "lejía" que le meten a la Antigüedad (sobre todo Roma, que suele ser lo más representado).

64 346

Solemnity of the Holy Family - a Short History with to the Holy Family and Special for

7 27

tough tiddy to rank em but my top 4 is clear

1. Marlowe (L'Orange & Solemn Brigham) - Marlowe 2
2. Quelle Chris & Chris Keys - Innocent Country 2
3. Khary - THIS IS WEIRD
4. Dos Monos - Dos Siki

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