画質 高画質

She's a spy that can infiltrate, fight, steal, uncover, eavesdrop, hack, kill, decipher, and rescue all at once. How she do it? Who knows...

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something different for once.
just a doodle of Blue and (look-prediction of) Pink Diamond.

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Actually drew something on paper for once. Here's a process thing of it

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I drew some pokes at some point. I think I posted some of these on tumblr once. I like these mons. Fight my team bruh.

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Quick painting to play with colors and just go back to more realistic art for once. .

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Lisa Hooper is the maker of this beautiful Red Squirrel Woodblock Print. Great to see a Red Squirrel for once.

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this year was WILD. But I'm thankful for it; lost allot of my motivation this year but, I'm actually proud of where I am for once.

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I didn't know which hat I liked the best so I just slapped them all on at once.
(art by )

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A draw for a blog, Alexander being welcoming for once.

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I keep forgetting that I have a twitter now.
Yeah it's the balloon challenge
and I wanted to try something pastel for once.

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ユーリ!!! on ICE
You only live once.

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I finally had the energy to practice drawing after work for once. Hopefully I can keep it up.

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ep8... I just blink once......

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Some sort of bug lady thing I doodled once.

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Could you use this artwork and make another set of prismatic sticker cards with round corners? Too pretty to be used only once.

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Let them hug it out. Just once. Please.

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I. AM. GOING. TO. FINISH. THIS. TONIGHT. ONCE. AND. FOR. ALL!!! *blasts dubstep*

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Duller colors for once.

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